Wellness Services - Click Below for Practice Better platform

Remote Health and Wellness Consults

Consults are 1-on-1, 40-minute calls conducted remotely on Zoom. My signature 7-Pillar process guides you through unique anxiety triggers and barriers, and includes herbal alternatives that anyone can prepare. If you are here, you are obviously making a shift in your mindset, indicating positive steps you have taken to improve your physical and mental health. I will work with you closely to make those health changes. I'll even teach you how to make your own herbal preparations.

My pharmacy education and experience of more than 30 years are integrated with holistic herbal training to find alternative modalities that help naturally in patient healing and even replace allopathic therapy when it may be appropriate. Vitamin/nutrient status, nutrition, lifestyle, and movement will be optimized to achieve optimal outcomes of calm and clarity. Book a session now.

Download my “5 Tips for Daily Calm”

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